Re-Elect Loren Foxx for State Representative
Bedford, NH – Hillsborough County, District 2

My name is Loren Foxx and I am running for re-election to the New Hampshire State House because I strongly believe in empathy, equal rights, caring for the environment, quality public education, and women’s right to bodily autonomy. I also believe that part of the New Hampshire advantage is our freedom from broad-based taxes, including sales and income taxes. 

We need to bring back a New Hampshire where we actually work together.

What I Believe

Empathy and kindness. Just be kind and understanding. I’ve made mistakes in this regard; we all have. Strive to be a better person every day.

Problem-solving. I like working with people to solve problems, not imposing my will on others. I’ve talked to many of you in the last two years who might have had views different from mine. Sometimes, you’ve persuaded me to change my mind. I love that. Much as I try to be an empty vessel, listen and understand, I’ve got to understand others first. That’s how you solve problems.

I don’t like taxes any more than you do. I work hard and like keeping my hard-earned money, but I do believe in paying my fair share. Also, I love saying I live in a state with no income or sales taxes.

I’m a small business owner, and chances are you are too. NH is full of people like us. Let’s allow our system to continue to help us flourish.

Our public schools are vital to our community. School vouchers aren’t the answer. Think about how much strong schools impact our communities and social lives: sporting events, pride in our neighbors, even property values. Schools help us raise strong kids and imbue us with community pride. And our kids… well, they’re dealing with a far more complex landscape than I would have been able to. They need our resources.

I show up for Bedford’s students. Literally. Along with Catherine Rombeau, I attended 100% of Bedford’s 4th grade field trips to the State House. We were the only sitting Bedford reps to attend the field trips for our schools. I remember what it was like to see state reps when I chaperoned the trip in 2016, and how important it was to the kids to have sitting state reps in attendance. It might seem trivial, but it’s not.

Protect the environment and New Hampshire’s resources. Be the change you wish to see in this world and protect our great state and its residents from those who would pave paradise and pollute our waters.

Equality to help all of us. Most of us can trace our lineage to a place that wasn’t America. We’ve all got unique stories, challenges, and differences. Embrace them. The tapestry of life strengthens us.

Bodily autonomy. Why should I get to make decisions about what women can do with their bodies?

Knowing your vote counts and encouraging voter access, not repression. Enough said.

Making New Hampshire a place our kids want to come back to and settle down. It’s an amazing place and I am lucky to live here. Let’s make it somewhere they can come back to (just not living in our basements after graduation).

100% attendance on session days. I showed up on 100% of session days in 2023-24. And barring any weirdness, I’ll do the same again. You didn’t elect me to sit on my couch.

Together, we can create a New Hampshire that serves its citizens at every stage of their lives with the best schools in the country, ample jobs and housing for students after they have graduated college, clean rivers and oceans, recreation for four seasons, and opportunities for those to live their lives as they choose.